The savvy southern belle

I recently found the blog page savvy southern belle by the very lovely Kim Nicols. Its such an amazing blog full of DIY tips & of projects she has under taken. She also gives tutorials on all her amazing work. Kim is so talented & I am so glad I found her page.
 I thought she was a designer with all these clever ideas. I wouldnt have a clue where to start with some of these projects I feel very ashamed. But with these tutorials & my detemination of trying things out for the home made home, who knows what can be achieved so watch this space.
I had to just share this project of hers with you as I was so amazed the results were completely stunning.  If you are a DIY fanatic or a lover of interiors please please blog hop over & check this out.

I have managed to get my hands on a piece of old furniture & I want to give this a go, maybe a big...well huge step for a first attempt but I never did do things the easy way. I will keep you posted as I go. A BIG thanks to Kim for the wonderful inspiration & tutorials!

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